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Getting Started

Vocdoni is the most open, secure, and universally verifiable voting protocol, used by hundreds of organizations worldwide. The core of our stack is a powerful decentralized backend, including blockchain, P2P gateway, and distributed file storage components.

The Vocdoni Protocol layer is accessible via a public API. This API is great for querying data, but running an election requires some advanced understanding of the protocol. Thus, we recommend integrators use the SDK.

The Software Development Kit is a wrapper for the API and provides developers with an easy way to integrate the functionality of the Vocdoni Protocol.

The UI Components library provides various basic React components for Vocdoni elections.

Looking to integrate digital voting into your web application?

Start with the SDK Tutorial

Live preview

These components all come together in our live demo. You can explore a basic Vocdoni implementation by creating some fake voters and starting a simple, single-question election. You will be able to cast a vote for each fake voter and see the results.

Live preview

This demo requires Metamask (or Walletconnect) to sign transactions. Metamask is a browser extension that holds custody of private keys and cryptocurrencies, but it is simple to install and use, and you need no prior knowledge of this technology.

No balance is needed

Metamask is used to sign the transactions that create elections and cast votes. Testing tokens are automatically sent once the account is created. No value is used or exchanged.




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